Health & Beauty

Best Candidate for Fraxel Laser Treatment


Congratulations! You’ve taken the first step towards investing in your wellbeing. Fraxel laser treatment is a non-invasive way to quickly increase your self-confidence and regain a more youthful appearance. In just 15-45 minutes, depending on the area you want to be treated, you can be well on your way to younger, smoother skin. Fraxel laser treatment doesn’t just cover up or camouflage imperfections, it works with your body to reverse several signs of ageing. You are one step closer to being more confident and self-assured.

Am I a good candidate for treatment?

The Fraxel laser has been used in over 800,000 treatments on both men and women of many different ethnicities. The ideal candidates are those wanting to reverse and halt early signs of ageing. Having a realistic expectation regarding the types of conditions that can effectively be treated will result in greater satisfaction with the final results. Active tanning should be avoided for at least two weeks before and after a Fraxel laser treatment. The following skin conditions are FDA approved for treatment:

– Fine to moderate wrinkles

– Freckles

– Discolouration due to age (sun spots or age spots)

– Melasma

– Uneven skin tone or texture

– Acne Scars

– Scars from surgery or accident

– Crow’s feet

– Actinic Keratoses

Fraxel laser treatment is not ideal for people with the following conditions.

Hundreds of thousands of people with various skin conditions have been successfully treated with the Fraxel laser. However, people with the following health and/or skin conditions are advised to speak with their doctor before proceeding with a treatment:

– Deep wrinkles or folds

– Substantial skin sagging

– Epilepsy or other seizure conditions that are triggered by light

– Skin infections

– Poor or slow wound healing

– Individuals taking certain medications to include, anticoagulants, a medication that causes light sensitivity, or anyone who has taking Accutane in the previous six months

What should I expect on the day of treatment?

On the day of treatment, please leave yourself plenty of time. Your doctor may prescribe you medication to calm you if you are nervous and you will need time for the medication to take effect. If you do plan to take calming medication, please arrange for a ride to and from your appointment. Your doctor will advise you about how early you should arrive at your appointment. You will likely have a topical numbing agent applied to the area that will be treated. This numbing medication will need time to take effect. After your 10-30 minute treatment, your doctor may use small ice packs to cool and soothe your skin before you leave the office.

What to expect immediately after treatment.

Everyone’s skin and healing abilities differ. The day of your treatment, your skin may feel warm, tight and itchy. Elevate your head with pillows when you lie down and use ice packs to cool your face (or other treated areas). Drink plenty of fluids and avoid diuretics such as caffeine and alcohol. Use a sunscreen if you will be outside and liberally apply non-irritating moisturizer. Place your moisturizer in the refrigerator to cool for an extra layer of soothing. You can take an over the counter anti-inflammatory medication if you are uncomfortable.

There are several steps you can take after your treatment to help speed the healing process. For at least two weeks after your treatment:

– Do not use scrubs or any abrasive cleanser

– Use gentle, non-clogging cleansers

– Apply sunscreen to the treated area(s)

– Frequently apply gentle, non-clogging, non-irritating moisturizer to the treated area(s)

– Never, never pick at your face!

When will I see results?

The Fraxel laser is versatile and can be used on the face, neck, back and hands. The laser works by triggering the body’s healing process to encourage the replacement of old damaged skin with fresh new skin. The results occur in phases, with skin feeling smoother and softer immediately after treatment. Over the next 3-6 months, your body will continue producing more collagen as part of the deep healing and the results will continue. The benefits can be long lasting depending on several factors, including:

– Lifestyle

– Age

– Skin condition

– Skin Regimen

Depending on your specific skin condition and your desired results, your doctor may recommend 3 or more treatments spaced approximately 4-6 weeks apart.

Dr Andrew Jacono is one of New York’s premier plastic surgeon and has extensive backgrounds in both facial plastic and reconstructive surgery. Dr Jacono is known for his original, advanced approach to non-surgical and minimally invasive facial rejuvenation with flawless, yet natural results.

Tags : Fraxel Laser Treatment
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