
Editors' Take

Editors' TakeLife & Love

Can Stem Cells be Used for Neurological Disorders?


Neurological disorders or diseases include a range of complications that may be the result of genetics or injury. Patients with neurological disorders face symptoms such as memory or cognitive issues, muscle paralysis, and other complications. Scientists previously believed that brain and nerve cells could not regenerate, but new research is showing that this is not true. Stem cell therapy can be used to renew these cells and relieve symptoms of many neurological disorders.

What Neurological Disorders Can Stem Cells Treat?

A range of neurological disorders can be treated with stem cells, because stem cells can be used to renew nerve cells, brain cells, muscle cells, and more. Some disorders that we treat using stem cell therapy include:

  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS or Lou Gehrig’s disease)
  • Paralysis
  • Traumatic brain injury
  • Spinal cord injury
  • Post-stroke deficits
  • Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
  • Alzheimer’s disease
  • Cerebral palsy

How Do Stem Cells Improve Neurological Disorders?

When a patient suffers from a neurological disorder, part of the nervous system is damaged or otherwise functioning improperly. This may include the nerves, brain, spinal cord, or neuromuscular system.

Stem cells can help improve symptoms of these disorders or delay their progression because stem cells renew specialized cells that the body needs. In patients with neurological disorders, this can include nerve cells or brain cells, even though scientists previously believed that regenerating these types of cells was impossible.

At Axis Stem Cell Institute, we use adipose-derived stem cells from the patient’s own fat tissue to treat neurological disorders. Once injected, research shows that stem cells migrate to damaged areas and begin to function as neurons. This makes them an effective treatment option for Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, spinal cord injuries, stroke injuries, Cerebral palsy, or other neurological diseases.

Are Stem Cells a Cure for Neurological Diseases?

Currently, most neurological diseases have no known cures, which includes stem cell therapy. However, stem cells have been shown to be effective in reducing symptoms of these diseases ranging from slowing the progression of Alzheimer’s to improving muscle function for patients with cerebral palsy.

What’s Next for Stem Cell Treatment of Neurological Diseases?

Scientists are currently studying methods of developing specified cells in a lab setting that could then be directly administered to patients to relieve symptoms or prevent disease before it develops. Researchers at Johns Hopkins believe that this would require improved ability to diagnose neurological diseases such as Parkinson’s earlier, which will also require some new developments in medicine. However, modern treatments, including stem cell therapies, are currently so advanced that scientists believe new developments are close behind. At Axis Stem Cell Institute, our stem cell experts stay up-to-date with emerging research in medicine, offering our patients the latest in effective stem cell treatment.

Schedule an Appointment

To learn more about stem cell therapy for neurological disorders and find out if you may be a candidate for this option, schedule an appointment at Axis Stem Cell Institute in Seattle, WA or St. Petersburg, FL. Call (206) 823-0960 or request your appointment online.

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Editors' Take

Why Breast Implants are Getting Popularity in Recent Days

Woman breast in uplift on a white background

According to the latest statistics, breast augmentation is the top cosmetic surgery procedure performed nowadays. Breast implants are getting a lot of popularity in recent days, with hundreds of thousands of women all over the globe opting to enhance their breasts through them. But, why is this so? What has made these implants so popular and why do women seem to be going for this option? There are a number of reasons behind this and some of the top ones are highlighted below:

They are safe and come with little complications

Opting for surgery is no easy decision. No matter what kind of procedure it may be, people are concerned about the consequences and it is natural for them to feel this way. In general, breast implants are a safe procedure and they have very little risk of side effects and complications, which has contributed to their popularity. As long as women opt for a talented plastic surgeon, they will be able to get through the surgery without any issues.

They last for a long time

Another excellent reason that has made breast implants so popular is the fact that they are not a temporary stopgap or short-term fix. These implants can last you a long time, with most lasting for at least 10 to 15 years. In fact, there are some instances where these implants can last a lifetime, making them a great option to enhance your breasts.

They are relatively inexpensive

One of the biggest reasons that breast implants are getting popularity in recent days is because they have become relatively inexpensive. There was a time when only the rich, such as celebrities, could afford these implants, but the cost has come down since then. The cost of the surgery can vary, depending on your location and the surgeon. Considering how long they last and that they can improve your appearance drastically, they are worth the cost. There are capable surgeons like Dr. Elisabeth Potter, who can do a good job at the right price.

They don’t involve a long recovery process

While you do need some recovery time after breast implant surgery, it is relatively easy and quick when you compare it with other kinds of surgeries. There will be slight tightness and discomfort in your breasts for the first couple of days, following the surgery. However, patients start feeling healthy and normal after a few days. You can resume your normal life and go back to work in a week or two and within four to six weeks, you can start strenuous physical activity and exercising as well.

They boost your self-confidence

Another major reason that has boosted the popularity of breast implants nowadays is that improve a patient’s self-confidence. A lot of women who opt for breast implants are conscious about their breast size and shape. It takes just one surgery for their low self-esteem to go up and they are able to embrace their life with newfound confidence.

They give you symmetrical breasts and nipples

Women often become self-conscious when they have asymmetrical breasts, where one is smaller than the other. Moreover, it can make it difficult to find bras that fit you properly. With breast implants, it is possible to make your breasts fully symmetrical with surgical precision, so there will be no difference between the two. During the surgery, you can also talk to your surgeon and ask them to make your nipples symmetrical and they can also correct any aesthetical imperfections they may have during the process, giving you the perfect breasts you want.

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Editors' TakeHealth & Beauty

What Ketosis Is & How to Get Into It Fast


The ketogenic diet is all about trying to get the body to achieve a natural metabolic state known as ketosis. This article looks at what this is an how you can achieve this state quickly.

When you’re on keto, you’ll want to get into a natural metabolic state known as ketosis. When you’ve reached this, the body will work to burn fat stores instead of relying on glucose for energy.

So what is a ketosis definition? When the body breaks fat down, acids known as ketones accumulate in the bloodstream and leave the body via urine. This is what’s known as ketosis. Ketones are an indicator that you have entered ketosis and are what will help you lose unwanted body weight – fats will be broken down instead of carbohydrates.

Getting into ketosis isn’t always a piece of cake. Many people can even give up and not stick to the diet altogether. Let’s look at several ways to get into it fast.

Get into exercise

Not only does exercise help rid the body of calories, but it can also help deplete the body of glycogen stores. You’ll need to do this, especially when you’re starting this diet. Exercise is always important for maintaining your physical health, so aim to do 30 minutes a day.

Reduce your carb intake

This is absolutely essential if you want to get your body used to burn fat to get its energy. You should aim to reduce your carbohydrate consumption to around 20 g per day or less. As a rule of thumb, 20% of your daily calories should come from carbohydrates and 20% from protein.

Intermittent fasting

If you go without food, you can reach ketosis very quickly. Some people can even go into ketosis between mealtimes. Intermittent fasts are usually not eating for a period of 24 hours once or twice a week. This leads to a positive effect on weight loss as you burn more calories than you consume. It will speed up the overall process so that you will be achieving ketosis fast.

Eat healthy fats

Around 60% of all of your calories should come from healthy fats. It’s important to try and reduce your caloric intake as well as consume only healthy monounsaturated fats that you can find in foods such as olive oil, fatty fish, coconut oil, nuts, avocado, and flaxseed oil.

Test your levels of ketones

If you’re wondering about how to get into ketosis fast, you need to measure the number of ketones in your body. You can do this by measuring the breath, blood, or urine. Purchasing a ketosis calculator or ketone test strips can allow you to track your progress. Make wise adjustments, enhance your diet, and ultimately turbocharge your ketosis with the best exogenous ketones.

Coconut oil is your friend

This is an ingredient that can help you reach keto much faster. This oil contains medium-chain triglycerides that are fats most commonly referred to as MCTs. As the body absorbs these, it can send them directly towards the liver. The liver will then turn them into ketones, which will be used for energy.

Get your body into ketosis

We hope we’ve given you some food for thought when it comes to achieving ketosis. Once your body is used to this natural metabolic state, you’ll be easily losing a lot of unwanted body weight in a healthy manner. All the best!

Do you have any tips on getting into ketosis fast? Share in the comment section below.

Author’s bio: My name is Adam Reeve and I have been a professional personal trainer and fitness instructor for over 10 years. Also, I’m a life coach, wellness writer, and low carb diets, enthusiast.

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Editors' Take

3 Straightforward Questions to Ask Your Prospective In-Home Caregiver

If your aging loved ones live in Long Island, New York, it is understandable why they don’t want to leave their community. With the famous Fire Island, Jones Beach, and the Hamptons, your beloved seniors are living in the best place with gastronomic dining, splendid vineyards, excellent shopping, and charming downtown areas. Most homes in this area are upscale, which is not surprising because Long Island is the second most expensive city to live in the United States.

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Editors' Take

4 Important Things You Need to Know About CBD Treatment for Fibromyalgia


Fibromyalgia, a chronic pain disorder, has stumped the medical community for many years. This illness frustrates many patients who are in pain since it is complicated to detect, thus its nickname, the “invisible sickness.” Symptoms include musculoskeletal pain, insomnia, fatigue, and some cognitive issues. Even the exact cause of this disease is still a mystery. It stems from a wide array of psychological and physical reasons.

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