
Health & Beauty

Health & Beauty

10 tips to know before your first Ultramarathon


The marathon race is a long stretch race which involves both running and walking. Speed is a not a factor in a marathon race, but attaining the finish line is its ultimate destiny. The marathon race is actually the reflection of a historic run by a Greek messenger to report about the victory in the battle of marathon. Unlike an ordinary race, a marathon is not that simple to do, it requires months of practice, willpower and strength endurance to complete the race; practicing and participating in more marathons can make you achieve your goal eventually.

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Health & Beauty

Top 12 Hair Curlers (2019) For All Types Of Hair & Curling Styles

Hair Curlers
Hair Curlers

Remember your mom’s hair curlers?  We’ll, things have changed a bit since then. Hair curlers use to basically be one size fits all, however that’s not really the case anymore. Today, you’ll find both heated and non-heated. You’ll find those that are magnetic based, Velcro or foam. They also vary in length and width as well.

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