Health & Beauty

What’s the Best Diet for PCOS?

pcos diet

The team at OnPoint Nutrition helps women build a PCOS Diet tailored to their specific circumstance.  Below they share a few helpful tips and tricks that they frequently discuss with their clients across the globe:

The Basics of a PCOS Diet

Choose High Quality, High Fiber Carbohydrates – Women with PCOS are more likely to be diagnosed with type 2 diabetes than women who do not have PCOS.  Similar to a diabetic diet, it is important for women with PCOS to consume high quality, high fiber carbohydrates.  This will aid in stabilizing your blood sugar levels.

Eat a Balanced Diet
Consuming a well-balanced PCOS Diet will help to keep your body in a neutral, homeostatic state.  A balanced PCOS Diet allows insulin to function properly by bringing glucose to your cells for energy.  This process results in less insulin in your bloodstream, ultimately decreasing androgen production and alleviating your PCOS symptoms.

Follow a Consistent Routine and Regular Meal Times
Do not skip meals.  Skipping meals can crash your blood sugar levels, leading to food cravings and overindulgence.  Keeping a routine will allow your blood sugar levels to stabilize.  Stable blood sugar aids in the proper androgen production in your body.  Proper androgen production = less severe PCOS symptoms.

Choose Nutrient-Rich Food, High in Vitamins and Minerals
Studies show consuming foods high in Vitamin D, Vitamin B, Iodine, Selenium, and Magnesium will greatly aid in improving insulin resistance, and decrease the severity of symptoms associated with PCOS.

Should I follow a dairy-free, gluten-free, or soy-free PCOS diet? 

People who suffer from inflammation caused by lactose, gluten, or soy will find advantages to following dairy-free, gluten-free, or soy-free PCOS diets.  However, for a PCOS diet, no scientific data currently exists to support restricting or avoiding entire food groups or specific items to improve symptoms.

We know that to improve PCOS symptoms, it helps to lose 5-10% of your body weight and exercise regularly.  Your dietitian will be able to work with you to determine a specific PCOS diet to optimize your health.

Should I try a vegan diet for PCOS? 

Vegan diets consist of eating grains, vegetables, and fruits. If following a vegan diet for PCOS symptom management is an option for you, it is imperative to include high-quality carbohydrates that do not exceed 45% of your daily food intake.

Because vegan diets consist of vitamin- and mineral-rich whole foods, it can be tremendously useful in alleviating PCOS symptoms.  Research has shown that following a proper vegan diet can improve ovulation, regulate menstruation, and reduce the risk for future conditions associated with PCOS, such as type 2 diabetes.

Should I try a Keto Diet for PCOS?

The Ketogenic Diet, (Keto) is a special high-fat, low carbohydrate diet designed to control seizures in individuals diagnosed with epilepsy.  In recent pop culture, the Keto diet is viewed as a quick weight loss solution.  Because the Keto diet is an extremely strict, nutritionally unbalanced diet, we do not recommend it for PCOS management.  To create a lifetime of nutritionally sound habits, follow the advice of your dietitian to manage you PCOS.  Avoid the Keto diet.

What about Intermittent Fasting?

We do not recommend Intermittent Fasting for long term PCOS symptom relief.  If you have PCOS, it is very important to consume multiple small meals throughout the day.  This approach will allow your insulin levels to self-regulate and remain balanced. If you are intermittent fasting, your large meals cause Hyperinsulinemia (excess insulin in the blood). 

Hyperinsulinemia increases androgen production, increasing the clinical effects of PCOS!

Tags : PCOS Diet
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