Life & Love

What Signs of Video Game Addiction Should A Parent Look for In Children?

Video Game Addiction

With the invention of Xboxes, computers, and handheld devices, video games have become popular among children and teenagers. Well, it is okay for your kids to do what they love. But how far can they go with a hobby? At what point does it turn to be an addiction?

According to statistics, more than 2.2 billion people are game addicts worldwide. Therefore, this is a common disorder and should be treated early enough before things get out of hand. But how exactly can you tell whether your teenager or child is suffering from this condition? The following are several warning signs of video game addiction you should look out for.

Anxiety and Agitation

If your child has a gaming disorder, he or she cannot control the urge to play. The addiction can go incredibly deeper to the extent that they cannot keep track of time. Most of them tend to display agitation and anxiety signs, particularly when the game is cut short or when they cannot play at all.

Does your kid get mad when you assign him or her another task besides gaming? Do they look anxious when away from the activity? Well, if so, then it could mean that they require professional assistance as soon as possible.

Poor Personal Hygiene

Poor personal hygiene is also part of the common signs of video game addiction. It is usual for someone with this disorder to neglect their physical appearance and even grooming habits. Whether it is general cleanliness, dental hygiene, or bathing, these may not be a top priority for your child at this point.

Also, due to poor personal hygiene, your teenager may start emitting a lousy breath and strong body odors. Various infections may even begin to occur in different parts of their body.

Poor School Performance

Just like any other type of addiction, the more your children engage in an addictive pursuit, the more they want to indulge in it. If this happens, schoolwork may not interest them at all.

Moreover, when a person has been playing video games all night, there are higher chances of sleeping the whole day. Well, this could be a sign that they need professional help.


Isolation is also among the top signs of video game addiction that you should be aware of. If your child or teenager has got this disorder, he or she is highly likely to spend less time with friends and family. 

Some may isolate themselves because they want to avoid questions concerning their unexplained physical and behavioral changes. On the other hand, it could be because they want to make more time for gaming.

All the same, if you notice excessive isolation from your child, it could be an indication that they have underlying emotional problems. These may include depression or any other mental disorder.

Mood Change

The mood change is a common sign among people with a gaming disorder. For instance, your children may lash out at people with anger unexpectedly when someone tries to distract them from gaming.

They may also change from being cranky to being relaxed when in action? Additionally, if no measures are taken to correct this, then they may start turning into games as a way of dealing with a difficult situation.

If you have noticed any of the above signs on your child, do not overlook it. Gaming disorder can result in life-threatening problems if not addressed. Nevertheless, the condition is treatable.

Tags : Video Game Addiction
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